Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Forensic Crime Scene Investigation

Cornelius Chavis

During the days the Wednesday 9-3-09 and Thursday 9-4-09 we had an investigation of a crime committed in which may have been a homicide or murder. Me and my group, group with the crew of: detective Lindi, detective Kelly, detective Noah, and detective Abrea have observed strands of evidence during the crime. We all discovered that there was a trace a blood, a footprint of the murder victim, his wallet filled with info that could lead to the crime and two strands of hair which could have been from the criminal and victim. The wallet contained a lot of supplies seen as such as a threat note, a number and time probably to seal the deal, life-insurance cards, and credit cards; but as we compared this to the footprint I could tell it was first-degree murder. The situation was that the victim was shooting as soon as he heard someone banging on his door and as soon as he stepped out for a few seconds the suspect strike and killed the victim by strangling him to death with a rope which left some hair samples to determine the murder was contact-to-contact.

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